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以针叶类珍稀植物粗榧和南方红豆杉的半木质化硬枝为试验材料,对其扦插繁殖技术进行了研究。结果表明:生根剂GGR对粗榧和南方红豆杉均适用,其扦插效果优于IBA;扦插基质选腐殖土为宜,生根效果优于珍珠岩;生根剂浓度以100 mg/L为宜,粗榧插穗经GGR 100 mg/L处理后在腐殖土中生根率达到了75.68%,红豆杉插穗经GGR 100 mg/L处理后在腐殖土中生根率达到了77.55%。  相似文献   
Numerous privacy-preserving issues have emerged along with the fast development of the Internet of Things. In addressing privacy protection problems in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN), secure multi-party computation is considered vital, where obtaining the Euclidian distance between two nodes with no disclosure of either side’s secrets has become the focus of location-privacy-related applications. This paper proposes a novel Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocol(PPSPP) for wireless sensor networks. Based on PPSPP, we then propose a Homomorphic-Encryption-based Euclidean Distance Protocol(HEEDP) without third parties. This protocol can achieve secure distance computation between two sensor nodes. Correctness proofs of PPSPP and HEEDP are provided, followed by security validation and analysis. Performance evaluations via comparisons among similar protocols demonstrate that HEEDP is superior; it is most efficient in terms of both communication and computation on a wide range of data types, especially in wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   
As multi-core processors become the de-facto configuration in modern computers, the adoption of SMP Virtual Machines(VMs) has been increasing, allowing for more efficient use of computing resources. However,because of existence of schedulers in both the hypervisor and the guest VMs, this creates a new research problem,viz., double scheduling. Although double scheduling may cause many issues including lock-holder preemption,v CPU stacking, CPU fragmentation, and priority inversion, prior approaches have either introduced new problems and/or addressed the problem incompletely. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of Flex Core,a new scheduling scheme using v CPU ballooning, which dynamically adjusts the number of v CPUs of a VM at runtime. This essentially eliminates unnecessary scheduling in the hypervisor layer, and thus, boosts performance significantly. An evaluation using a complete KVM-based implementation shows that the average performance improvement for PARSEC applications on a 12-core Intel machine is approximately 52.9%, ranging from 35.4% to79.6%.  相似文献   
Traditional Amplitude Phase Shift Keying(APSK) consists of rings with points uniformly spaced. By giving up this uniform-spacing feature, we propose an APSK optimization method based on the uniform APSK with Gray labeling(Gray-APSK). The aim of the optimization is to maximize the Generalized Mutual Information(GMI)of Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation(BICM) for the targeted code rate and channel. We show that our optimized non-uniform APSK could offer further performance gain compared with the conventional uniform Gray-APSK and considerably outperforms the traditional quadrature amplitude modulation at the targeted SNR and channel.  相似文献   
运用文献资料、数据统计、归纳比较、聚类分析方法,对我国历届夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会金牌数、金牌项目分布以及获金牌运动员特征进行了研究,结果表明:我国共获得210枚奥运金牌,其中9枚冬季奥运会金牌,201枚夏季奥运会金牌,金牌总数呈上升趋势;辽宁、广东、湖北、北京与江苏等省市位列金牌榜前五位,新疆、青海、宁夏、海南、西藏、甘肃6省未获得奥运金牌;金牌项目主要集中在跳水、举重、体操、乒乓球、羽毛球、射击和短道速滑;技能主导类项群是我国奥运金牌的主要贡献者,尤其是表现难美性项目,其金牌贡献率达到30%;奥运金牌项目的区域分布呈现出强、较强和弱3个地带,不同纬度与经度的分布差异具有统计学意义,东西部竞技实力差距明显;女子获奥运金牌数多于男子,但"阴盛阳衰"的局面已在悄然改变.  相似文献   
设计了一个非专业人士能够使用、最简化的气候敏感模型,用来研究人类活动所导致的全球变暖的幅度问题.在1990年的第一次IPCC评估报告中,IPCC对其报告中预测的未来全球变暖幅度很有信心,但是随后的观测结果显示全球的变暖幅度只有预测的一半.而自2001年起,全球变暖出现停滞,但是仅仅考虑到二氧化碳浓度的增加,很少有模型能够模拟出这一变化.在已出版的IPCC第五次评估报告的草稿中,IPCC大幅度削减了近期变暖的幅度,并以专家评估代替了模型预测.但是报告中关于未来气候长期变化的预测仍被保留.如果把IPCC模型的总反馈从1.9 W m–2 K–1调整到1.5 W m–2 K–1,气候敏感模型中模拟的温度将从3.2 K降至2.2 K.同时由于反馈很可能是净负反馈,更合适的估计应该是1.0 K.1.0 K是一个能够实现的增幅,21世纪的实际变暖将会小于1 K.即使燃烧所有可开采的化石燃料也不会使全球变暖的幅度超过2.2 K,这一增加幅度也将趋于平稳.本文认为解决IPCC第四、五次报告中评估方法的差异非常关键.一旦这些差异得到解决,人类活动导致的全球变暖在22世纪以及几个世纪以后的平稳态将有可能不会超过IPCC当前模型预测的1/3~1/2.  相似文献   
数据挖掘在数字图书馆个性化服务中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提供个性化信息服务是数字图书馆发展的必由之路.用户建模是实现个性化服务的关键,利用数据挖掘技术进行用户建模是个可行的高效的手段.  相似文献   
大学语文作为高校人文素质通识课程在培养学生人文素质方面有着不可替代的重要地位。本文通过对我校大学语文课程的教学调查,一方面总结教学经验,一方面为适应时代发展,根据课程特点,从教学内容、教学手段、作业考试等方面提出改革措施,使该课程更好为学校的人才培养目标服务。  相似文献   
应用自然伽马曲线反演陇东地区延安组沉积旋回   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自然伽马曲线包含丰富的地质信息,能够很好地反映由气候变化引起的地层旋回.采用频谱分析对鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区延安组湖沼相自然伽马测井曲线进行反演,可以得出地层中很好地保存了高频的米兰科维奇旋回,认为研究区延安组地层中的沉积旋回主要受古气候变化的控制,其中偏心率周期引起的地层旋回厚度变化范围为7.86~16.75 m;地轴倾角周期引起的地层旋回厚度变化范围为2.34~6.36 m;岁差周期引起的地层旋回厚度变化范围为1.14~2.96 m.频谱分析法可用于测井曲线进行高频沉积旋回分析.  相似文献   
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